From Our Email's Inbox

From time to time we get emails where our visitors feel brave enough to share their story. We loved this one.
Name: Luke H.
Subject: Becoming a champion
Message: Hi my name is SAC Luke H.
I am a member of the Royal Air Force at RAF Benson and, I suffer from depression and anxiety. This was caused by an injury that occurred 3 1/2 years ago. It has pushed me to the edge and on the 09/12/2018 I attempted to take my own life. Since this experience I have found myself again and begun undergoing CBT therapy, meditation, physio, mindfulness & seminars in hopes that one day I can come off my medication and live my life to the full. I have found that talking about my condition has allowed me to remove the mask I have wore for so long and helping people understand is something I want to be apart of. I wondered how I go about becoming a champion for BTS and help get the message out, though understanding comes knowledge though knowledges comes acceptances. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards.